It's a brand new year and the perfect time to share this post with you lovely reader's written by one of our favourite speakers Amara Blessing. We are sure that many will be dating and potentially meeting their life partners this year so here is an opportunity to grab some tips beforehand.
Having a social date? The best and courteous thing is to ask your date for his/her choice of a restaurant. If he/she is not familiar with such places, help in the choice but make sure it’s what he/she likes; this is civility.
Brushing your mouth before rushing out for that dinner date is the acceptable thing. Don’t just drive out from the office to meet him or her without trying to freshen up.
Do something about your eating habit. A friend had to leave the man she was already dreaming of getting married to because of this ugly habit. When you chew with sounds coming from your mouth, it’s a put off. It’s also very embarrassing to your date when the whole table and pounded yam are messed up and dis colored with soup from your fingers.
Don’t allow yourself to get drunk or so tipsy that you can’t talk coherently or stand! Women need to be especially careful, as you need to be able to know that decisions you make at this time are the same as those you’d have made sober and by that I mean consenting to sex. So many innocent girls, including virgins, have been raped this way. Take responsibility for yourself and make sure you don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach, or mix your drinks. Make sure you watch as your drink is being opened; avoid taking an already opened drink.
I once introduced a lady to a friend who was easy for marriage. Few weeks into the relationship, he called to tell me it was over. This guy, on getting to her house to pick her for a date, was dumbfounded when he saw her jumping into his car with three of her cousins. Even you single mom, the date is for two; three is a crowd.
Avoid smoking unless your date is also a smoker; a good number of men and women don’t enjoy kissing an ashtray.
Please try not to belch loudly, fart, pick your nose, spit, eat with your mouth open, and chew gum. A handkerchief is never the right thing for catarrh; have some disposables handy and do it like a lady/gentleman.
Staying off garlic for twenty four hours won’t kill you; the smell is repulsive to many.
You are safer not ordering messy food, like spaghetti bolognaise.
Talking about your ex is a no-no as this will show you have baggage and haven’t moved on. Less is more when it comes to talking about the past. And if you are the uncultured type who lacks self-control, he/she picks so many things about you when you talk about an ex.
Don’t try to moan about things. Dates should be fun, not about listening to your problems whatever they are about. Stop trying to make him fall in love with you out of sympathy because it won’t last.
Lateness makes you someone whose words shouldn’t be trusted.
Keep a good amount of eye contact, pay a couple of compliments, but not foolishly.
For goodness sake you are just meeting him/her; avoid the eight letter word.
It shouldn’t be all about you; take a breath, let him/her speak too.
Don’t forget to ensure your date gets home safely. Be a gentleman and escort her to her car or get her a cab.and girl, please avoid riding in his car if you are just meeting him; you may not live to tell the story.
If she/he wants you after the date, she/he will call you. If not…looks like you goofed or you are not what he/she wants…LOL
Source: Amara Blessing
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